

Our cause is Education. Our will is strong. Our commitment deep.

For Belize, Education must have a wider and deeper meaning. One which challenges us to ensure that all our people are provided with an equal opportunity to acquire the capacity and attitudes for full and active participation in the development of our nation.

The education we provide today must therefore equip our people at any and every stage of their lives with the tools they need to create value out of that education. It must be relevant to the needs of our public and private sectors and it must train our people to be productive and engaged citizens of Belize and the global community.

This philosophy and vision is grounded in the simple yet fundamental truth that the ultimate goal of education is improving quality of life. The more knowledge, information and skills you possess, the greater the likelihood of you leading a more productive and meaningful life and the more likely you are to contribute positively to the development and upliftment of your family, community and country.

Access, Equity and Quality are central to our Education Agenda from pre-school to University. All our people wherever they live and whatever their ethnicity, religious preference, political affiliation, gender, or economic status MUST have equal access to quality education.

MAKING EDUCATION WORK FOR BELIZE shall be a national priority for the next Government of the People’s United Party.

  • Location: Belize City
  • Date 2020/08/12
  • Time 10:00 PM
  • Organizer: HasTech
  • Phone: 0111 22 333 444
  • Website: