GOB Merciless in Time of Crisis

Whenever the price of fuel and associated products go down in the region and around the world, somehow, it never happens in Belize. When questions are asked, Mr. Barrow’s Ministry of Finance concocts wordy, obscure explanations about global factors and acquisition costs, usually with a promise that prices will go down soon. IT NEVER HAPPENS. When prices go down around the world, the price of fuel in Belize, ironically, goes UP. When prices around the world go up by just a few cents, the price of fuel in Belize goes WAY UP.

The decision by the United Democratic Party Government to raise the prices of fuel and butane, in the face of a pandemic and economic crisis of unprecedented proportions, is a slap in the face of all normal Belizeans. It is gross abuse and a total disregard for the crisis facing the country. How can the UDP bring more punishment in the form of higher fuel prices and higher butane costs at a time when so many have lost their jobs and there is little hope of a recovery anytime soon?

The increase in butane cost is insane, and tantamount to rape. The UDP pushed for its butane monopoly at a time when existing suppliers were willing to sell butane to Belizeans at historically low prices. They pushed those suppliers out of business and in a matter of one month, raised the price of butane not once, but twice.

Belizeans across this nation, those not privy to political connections with this government which have made them wealthy, have been struggling to make ends meet. COVID-19 is not to blame. The pandemic only highlighted and underscored the economic disaster in the country brought on by the man-made disasters in Cabinet. How can the government continue like this?  How will the people live?

The People’s United Party will no longer call on the UDP to right its deliberate, callous wrongs. Mr. Barrow does not listen. He and the rich UDP’s in Cabinet do not understand or care about the plight of normal Belizeans. We call on all Belizeans to stand up against this injustice and join the move to save our economy.

Mr. Barrow says he grieves for his poor Belize. The people say – we are poor because of you and the UDP.  MR. BARROW, DON’T GRIEVE.  JUST LEAVE!


 Contact: Linsford Castillo Secretary General

E-mail: secgenpup@gmail.com