Karim Adle

President; BYM

Born on the 22nd day of November, 1992 graduate of Galen University in the field of International Business has been a life long avid supporter of the People’s United Party. From the age of 15 as a member of the Fort George BYM and subsequent a member of the Fort George Executive. Today, I serve as The National President of the Belize Youth Movement (BYM) and a member of the Cayo North Executive Committee. I am a fond believer that my fellow youths deserve the opportunity to obtain good, quality education that will lead to meaningful employment that suits the skillset of the individual. The ideologies of the People’s United Party social justice agenda is by far what inspires ME to be an active supporter of the PUP. I look forward to working with the incoming PUP government in creating a Belize that works for everyone especially our youths.